Saturday, September 28, 2013

Arizona State Football!

 Tonight Flat Emma's Regular Dad took her to see the Sun Devils play football at ASU Stadium in Tempe, Arizona!  She loves football and had a great time at the game.  She was good luck at the game, and the Devils beat Stanford 62 to 41.  Go Devils!

For this adventure Flat Emma visited Tempe, Arizona, just down the street from her home.  ASU Stadium is about 11.5 miles away, and the weather is exactly the same as at home.  It was about 90 degrees at kickoff -- still hot!  Flat Emma was nice and comfortable in her ASU t-shirt that Regular Emma made for her.  It is very hot in the summer here, but very beautiful in the winter.  We can't wait for winter!  Most of the people in Tempe speak English, though there are people from many states and different countries who attend school at ASU.  

Thanks for taking her to the game, Dad!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Meet Flat Emma!

Hi.  I'm Flat Emma.

My friend Regular Emma created me, and she is sending me on adventures all around the world.  I am leaving tomorrow for what I think are going to be some pretty great destinations, meeting some of her friends and visiting some really cool places.  

If you want me to come visit you, please comment and I'm sure she'll send me your way.  Look out for my first adventure, coming soon!